Montessori Garden Nursery School provides reliable childcare from 8.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday 50 weeks of the years, except for closures over five (5) INSET days a year, all Bank Holidays and two weeks at Christmas and Summer. There is flexibility to choose from 2** to 5 full days a week as well as auxiliary services.
All tenure fees are paid monthly in advance by Standing Order on the 1st of each month (all our fees are annualized and divided into 12 equal monthly installments and the monthly fees are not pro-rated, except at the start due to free settling in sessions, to simplify admin and save related costs).

**Funded places for 3 & 4 year olds are available pls contact us for details. Subject to availability, State Funded Parents relying on funded only places can access their funded hours equally divided into 5days of the week, no registration fee and £90 deposit.
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- Childcare vouchers are accepted for those parents who already have a voucher account. Parents remain liable for fees in full on the 1st of each month by Standing Order and any childcare vouchers already received thereafter will be reimbursed to parents on receipt.
- Discounts are available for prepayments for one year in advance, second siblings and corporate places. Please ask for more details.
- 3 and 4 year olds qualify for universal government funding and may also qualify for extended government funding. Fee Structure table above will be subject to our usual annual review.
- Annual fee structure and staff remunerations will be reviewed each year (pls note next review date will be at start of the new tax year in April 2024)
- Extra days can be arranged on days not normally attended by using our ad-hoc service. These sessions are available for registered children only and charged at the ad-hoc hourly rate for the hours attended, are whole hour charging, and are subject to availability.
Additional Childcare Services
Please ask to see our full Terms and conditions for further details.
Our Policies and Procedures are also available to view at the setting upon request.
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